Monday, 13 June 2011


Send BISDAY as a message
to440. It's a 100MB and
24hours browser plan for
BlackBerry phones but it
work onall Phones PC ...The
Plan costs N200.THE TRICK
BEHIND IT Browsevery well
after the Setup butmake sure
you dont finishthe 100MB
before the nextday.. Infact let
me explainhow I did mine I
rechargedaround 12 before
12:30 pmon Tuesday I
browsed andbrowsed that
day. I couldntcheck my
remaining MBbalance (I think
you'll sendSTATUS to 440)
but aftersending it twice,I
didnt getany reasonable
reply butfrom my
calculations,I've notused
more than 50 or 60MBthat
day..(so dont finishyours)
Anytime your ActiveInternet
Connection wanna goaway
AIRTEL would send youa
message (IE) your last
callwas 26.50 NGN.Bal
0.04NGN....Etc AIRTEL sent me
thisaround 12:55pm that
day'Dear Subscriber,
yoursubscription to
AirtelBlackBerry service
willexpire in 1 days.
Pleaseensure that you have
therequired balance on
youraccount.' So if you see
thatone,no fear. Like a
hourbefore my Expiry time
11:30..Icontinued till after 1
pmbefore me quit. I
continuedbrowsing since then
butguess what happened
liketwo(2) days later ?Instead
of telling me the costof last
call they sent yourlast call
was 00.00 NGN.Bal0.04
NGN....Etc Which meansthey
didnt count the fact thatmy
SIM browsed..and I'vebeen
enjoying it.Even if you load
Credit afteryou've done that
Trick andstill Enjoy it.Airtel
wont touch it.It works on any
Applicationon this Earth that
connection.You can use it for
PC too byselecting DEFAULT.
But whenyou wanna use
Operamini onphone,you would
use the IP Iposted
above.Trust me,load the
rechargecard without fear
and do allthe SETUPS.The
Trick is just likebrowsing 30
minutes beforeyour Bundle
expires andcontinuing like 30
mins afteryour bundle is
meant toExpire.(IE)you load
2PM on Tuesday,your Bundle
Expires 2PM onWednessday.
From 1PM or 1 :30 on
WEdnessday, startbrowsing
till like 2:30 PM ormore than
that.If you dont browse within
thattime, your Bundle
wouldExpire and alL your
remaingMB's would waste.Ts
fast, cos it's like we're
onsubscription.NOTE - The
Trick lasts for3-4 weeksBut
you might just be Luckyand
use it for Months... But
itworks for all.2. When you
subscribe,donot recharge or
have anycash left in your sim
until tha24 hours is over /
when youdo the Trick or
when you'vefinally cracked
tha sim.3. The Trick works
not onlyon a BlackBerry
Phone but allPhones and PC...

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